Change data capture pipelines with Debezium and Kafka Streams

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Change data capture (CDC) via Debezium is liberation for your data: by capturing changes from the log files of the database, it enables a wide range of use cases such as reliable microservices data exchange, the creation of audit logs, invalidating caches, and much more.

In this talk, we're taking CDC to the next level by exploring the benefits of integrating Debezium with streaming queries via Kafka Streams. Come and join us to learn:

  • how to run low-latency streaming queries on your operational data;
  • how to enrich audit logs with application-provided metadata;
  • how to materialize aggregate views based on multiple change data streams, ensuring transactional boundaries of the source database.

We'll also explore how to leverage the Quarkus stack for running your Kafka Streams applications on the JVM, as well as natively via GraalVM, many goodies included, such as its live coding feature for instant feedback during development, health checks, metrics, and more.

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Почему этот доклад в программе

Чем хорош спикер: Лид Debezium и отличный спикер, чей доклад был хорошо принят аудиторией на прошлом Joker.

Чем хороша тема: Комбинацией «Kafka Streams, Debezium, Quarkus».

Кому будет полезно: Всем энтерпрайз-разработчикам

Почему здесь и сейчас: От лида Debezium.


Gunnar Morling
Red Hat

Gunnar Morling is a software engineer and open-source enthusiast by heart. He is leading the Debezium project, a tool for change data capture (CDC). He is a Java Champion, the spec lead for Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) and has founded multiple open source projects such as Deptective and MapStruct. Prior to joining Red Hat, Gunnar worked on a wide range of Java EE projects in the logistics and retail industries. He's based in Hamburg, Germany.

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Дмитрий Александров

Со-лидер болгарской Java User Group, Java Champion, Oracle Groundbreaker. Помимо работы над Project Helidon, читает лекции на конференциях. Организатор конференции — крупнейшей Java-конференции на Балканах. В перечень основных интересов входят динамические языки на JVM, Java Enterprise, MicroProfile, а также вся Spring-инфраструктура. Увлекается всяческими экспериментальными Java-проектами, а также GPU-программированием.