Panel discussion: Present and future of Java

Day 2 /  / Track 1  /  RU

In this session, Alexey Shipilev, Dmitry Chuiko, Pavel Petroshenko, and Sergey Kuksenko will discuss the present and future of Java from the point of view of different companies. What are we doing now and why? Why is this important and what will change?

Join and ask your questions!


Aleksey Shipilev
Red Hat

Aleksey is working on Java performance for 10+ years. Today he is employed by Red Hat, where he does OpenJDK development and performance work. Aleksey develops and maintains a number of OpenJDK subprojects, including JMH, JOL, and JCStress. He is also an active participant in expert groups and communities dealing with performance and concurrency. Prior joining Red Hat, Aleksey was working on Apache Harmony at Intel, then moved to Sun Microsystems, which was later consumed by Oracle.

Sergey Kuksenko

Sergey works as Java Performance Engineer at Oracle. His primary goal is making Oracle JVM faster digging into JVM runtime, JIT compilers, class libraries and etc. His favorite area is an interaction of Java with modern hardware.

Pavel Petroshenko
Azul Systems

Pavel Petroshenko is Senior Director Product Management, Azul Systems, Inc. Pavel is based in California, and in his current role, he is focusing on the product strategy, requirements, and priorities for Azul Zulu builds of OpenJDK and related products. At various engineering roles, Pavel worked on Java platform implementations, including Java ME Virtual Machine for many years at Sun and then at Oracle. Throughout his career, Pavel co-founded and participated in several successful software startups in Russia and the United States.

Dmitry Chuyko

Dmitry Chuyko is a performance engineer at BellSoft, one of the most active corporate OpenJDK developers. Before joining BellSoft, Dmitry worked on HotSpot JVM in Oracle. His previous experience with Java showed that the most interesting problems in applications find their solutions in the underlying platform. Dmitry is currently mainly optimizing OpenJDK for x86 and ARM, and also contributing to the development of JEP 386 to make the smallest Java containers even better. Dmitry speaks at large conferences such as Joker, JPoint, Oracle Code One, Devoxx, or GeeCON, as well as at JUG meetups in different countries.

Invited Experts

Alexey Fyodorov
JUG Ru Group

Producer @ JUG Ru Group, organizes the largest conferences for developers in Russia. In the last 6 years Alexey's team arranged more than 50 conferences. Alexey has a very different background: from Software Engineer @ Oracle (JCK, Java Platform Group) to DevRel @ Odnoklassiniki.