How we did SQL in Hazelcast

Day 1 /  / Track 2  /  RU

During this session, Vladimir will share how he and his team created the Hazelcast Mustang, a new distributed SQL engine that appeared in the latest version of Hazelcast IMDG. We will consider the key technical decision made by the team regarding the optimizer, networking protocol, and parallel query.

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Vladimir Ozerov

Vladimir is a Software Engineer at Hazelcast working on the implementation of Hazelcast Mustang, a distributed SQL engine. Before that he spent 6 years at GridGain, building various parts of the Apache Ignite IMDG, including data processing pipelines, transactions, a JDBC driver, and clients for different programming languages.

Invited Experts

Alexey Kuzin
Alexey Kuzin

Alexey has been involved in the development of high-performance projects, mission-critical business data storage, and processing systems for more than 5 years. He develops Tarantool based services for the largest companies in Russia.