Joker 2020 speakers
Aleksey Shipilev
Red Hat
Aleksey is working on Java performance for 10+ years. Today he is employed by Red Hat, where he does OpenJDK development and performance work. Aleksey develops and maintains a number of OpenJDK subprojects, including JMH, JOL, and JCStress. He is also an active participant in expert groups and communities dealing with performance and concurrency. Prior joining Red Hat, Aleksey was working on Apache Harmony at Intel, then moved to Sun Microsystems, which was later consumed by Oracle.
Heinz Kabutz
Heinz is the mastermind behind The Java Specialists' Newsletter. He has a PhD in Computer Science. Heinz has programmed significant portions of several large Java applications and has taught Java to thousands of professional programmers. He is a regular speaker at all the major Java conferences.
Heinz was chosen as a Java Champion by Sun Microsystems, the inventors of Java, for his work in advancing Java.
Heinz presents Java training courses anywhere in the world, either in person or via remote teaching technologies. He is the author of many courses, including Java Specialist Master, Design Patterns, and Concurrency Specialist Courses.
Peter Lawrey
Chronicle Software Ltd
Most answers on Stackoverflow for Java and the JVM. Architect of the OpenHFT libraries downloaded 20M times. Java Champion.
Novel but practical uses of JavaMark Heckler
Mark Heckler is a Spring Developer Advocate and a Software Developer at VMware, conference speaker, published author, & Java Champion focusing upon developing innovative production-ready software at velocity for the Cloud. He has worked with key players in the manufacturing, retail, medical, scientific, telecom, and financial industries and various public sector organizations to develop and deliver critical capabilities on time and on budget. Mark is an open source contributor and author/curator of a developer-focused blog and an occasionally interesting Twitter account (@mkheck).
Tagir Valeev
Tagir Valeev is a software developer in JetBrains s.r.o. Currently, he improves the support of Java features in IntelliJ IDEA developing new inspections and intention actions. Tagir is actively interested in static code analysis and when time permits, develops an open source library called StreamEx which enhances standard Java 8 Stream API.
Will robots replace programmers?Otavio Santana
Empowering developers worldwide to deliver better software faster, scalable in the Cloud. Otavio is a passionate software engineer focused on Cloud and Java technology. He has experience mainly in persistence polyglot and high-performance applications in finances, social media, and e-commerce. Otavio is a member of both Expert Groups and Expert Leader in several JSRs and JCP executive committee. He is working on several Apache and Eclipse Foundation projects such as Apache Tamaya, MicroProfile, Jakarta EE, where he is leading the first specification at Jakarta EE with Jakarta NoSQL. A JUG leader and global speaker at JavaOne and Devoxx conferences. Otavio has received recognition for his OSS contributions such as the JCP Outstanding Award, Member of the year and innovative JSR, Duke’s Choice Award, and Java Champion Award, to name a few.
Roman Elizarov
Roman Elizarov is Project Lead for Kotlin at JetBrains, where he is focused on future Kotlin language features. His main contribution is the design of Kotlin coroutines and development of Kotlin coroutines library.
In 2000 Roman Elizarov had graduated from St. Petersburg ITMO and started his career as a professional software developer. During his undergraduate study he participated in International Collegiate Programming Contests (ICPC). Since 1997 and until now Roman serves as a Chief Judge of Northern Eurasia Region of ICPC. He also maintains his academic ties and now teaches a course on concurrent and distributed programming at ITMO. Roman Elizarov had worked for most of his career at Devexperts, where he designed and developed high-performance trading software for leading brokerage firms and market data delivery services that routinely handle millions of events per second. He is an expert in Java and JVM, particularly in concurrency, real-time data processing, algorithms, and performance optimizations for modern architectures.
Monica Beckwith
Java Champion, Monica Beckwith has several published articles and gets regular invitations to give talks on JVM/JIT Compilation/Garbage Collection (GC). She is also a JavaOne Rock Star.
Monica has co-authored the "Java Performance Companion" book and is currently working on a book titled "JVM Performance Engineering: Inside the OpenJDK HotSpot VM".
Monica is considered one of the influential women in Java and Scala.

Alexey Kuzin

Alexey has been involved in the development of high-performance projects, mission-critical business data storage, and processing systems for more than 5 years. He develops Tarantool based services for the largest companies in Russia.
John Green
John Green is a lifelong learner, polyglot, and lover of mathematics. He delights in trawling through code, trying to deduce what the author really wanted it to do. If he could figure out how to set the good stuff to music, he would write a grand symphony entitled "In Fondo alla Coda".
Jendrik Johannes
Gradle Inc.
Jendrik has been involved in Java and Android development for over a decade. For four years he is a developer on the popular open-source build tool Gradle, where we worked on, among other things, build performance, dependency-management, and the support for JVM languages. Jendrik is working for Gradle, which has been a distributed company since ever, from his home in Hamburg, Germany.

Alan Bateman

Alan Bateman is an engineer in the Java Platform Group in Oracle. Alan has worked on many areas of the JDK including the Java Module System, the modularization of the JDK itself, and the core libraries and APIs. He previously worked on many of the tool and profiling APIs including the JSR-163 implementation and other serviceability features. He is currently focused on Project Loom with the aim to reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications.
Evgeny Borisov
Evgeny is developing on Java almost 20 years. Over the years he participated in a lot of enterprise projects, several years he was a consiltant, opened his startup, lead thousands of trainings and dozens of talks, now he's the lead of the EPAM Israeli development department.
Spring Patterns for adultsJason Tatton
Amazon Web Services
Jason is the creator of the Concurnas Programming Language and the founder of Concurnas Ltd. He wrote his first computer program aged 9 and has been coding ever since for over 25 years. Jason has written and led teams developing algorithmic trading systems for some of the world's most prestigious investment banks including Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank and J.P. Morgan. He is passionate about technology, programming and making Concurnas the best programming language it can be. When not building Concurnas he enjoys spending time with his family. He's also a Senior Software Engineer at AWS.
Victor Gamov
Viktor Gamov is a Developer Advocate at Confluent, the company that makes an event streaming platform based on Apache Kafka. Back in his consultancy days, Viktor developed comprehensive expertise in building enterprise application architectures using open source technologies. He enjoys helping architects and developers to design and develop low latency, scalable and highly available distributed systems. He is a professional conference speaker on distributed systems, streaming data, JVM and DevOps topics, and is regular on events including JavaOne, Devoxx, OSCON, QCon, and others. He co-authored O'Reilly's "Enterprise Web Development". He blogs at and co-hosts Follow Viktor on Twitter @gamussa, where he posts there about gym life, food, open source, and, of course, Kafka and Confluent!
Thomas Wuerthinger
Thomas Wuerthinger is a Senior Research Director at Oracle Labs leading programming language implementation teams for languages including Java, JavaScript, Ruby, and R. He is the architect of the GraalVM compiler and the Truffle self-optimizing runtime system. Previously, he worked on the Crankshaft optimizing compiler of V8 at Google, and the Maxine research virtual machine at Sun Microsystems. He received a PhD degree from JKU Linz for his research about dynamic code evolution.
Oleg Šelajev
Oleg Šelajev is a developer advocate for the GraalVM project at Oracle Labs, which aims to make programs run faster and developers more productive. He helps to organize VirtualJUG, the online Java User Group, and a GDG chapter in Tartu, Estonia. Became a Java Champion in 2017. Loves pizza and playing chess. Favorite languages: Java, JavaScript, and Clojure.
Gunnar Morling
Red Hat
Gunnar Morling is a software engineer and open-source enthusiast by heart. He is leading the Debezium project, a tool for change data capture (CDC). He is a Java Champion, the spec lead for Bean Validation 2.0 (JSR 380) and has founded multiple open source projects such as Deptective and MapStruct. Prior to joining Red Hat, Gunnar worked on a wide range of Java EE projects in the logistics and retail industries. He's based in Hamburg, Germany.
Oleh Dokuka
Software Engineer who knows how to work with Reactive as a user as well as a developer. Java Champion. Co-author of the book "Hands‑On Reactive Programming in Spring 5". Works on RSocket and improves Project Reactor along the way.
Alexey Nesterov
Software engineer from Spring Cloud Commercial team, Pivotal Labs alumni, a fan of Test-Driven Development and lean software development approach, open source enthusiast, author, and co-host of a weekly hi-tech podcast Radio-T.
Pavel Petroshenko
Azul Systems
Pavel Petroshenko is Senior Director Product Management, Azul Systems, Inc. Pavel is based in California, and in his current role, he is focusing on the product strategy, requirements, and priorities for Azul Zulu builds of OpenJDK and related products. At various engineering roles, Pavel worked on Java platform implementations, including Java ME Virtual Machine for many years at Sun and then at Oracle. Throughout his career, Pavel co-founded and participated in several successful software startups in Russia and the United States.
Ivan Ponomarev
Tech lead in KURS company, tutor at MIPT. Has more than 15 years of experience in IT. Writes code and manages projects ranging from ERP systems customization to building a real-time webscraping system. Sometimes shares his experience as a speaker at conferences and meetups.
Karina Varela
Red Hat
Karina M. Varela is a Senior Technical Marketing Manager at Red Hat and an expert on the matter of Business Automation. She brings a solid background in development, architecting delivering, and troubleshooting critical software in enterprise environments of different sectors around the world. She's a coordinator of the SouJava community, and in her free time, enjoys contributing to the open-source community by writing, speaking and promoting tech events.
Sergey Kuksenko
Sergey works as Java Performance Engineer at Oracle. His primary goal is making Oracle JVM faster digging into JVM runtime, JIT compilers, class libraries and etc. His favorite area is an interaction of Java with modern hardware.
Ivan Sanchez
Ivan Sanchez is a developer and coach with over 15 years of commercial experience. Over the last decade, he has worked in a variety of industries and has been an advocate of Agile and eXtreme Programming practices such as TDD and Pair Programming. A considerable portion of his experience is in Java, and he's switched to Kotlin as his primary language of choice in the past years. He's the co-author of http4k: a lightweight HTTP library for Kotlin.

John Roesler
Confluent, Inc.

John Roesler is an Apache Kafka committer and PMC member and a software engineer at Confluent. He focuses on Kafka Streams. Before that, he spent eight years at Bazaarvoice, building their massive-scale, high-throughput stream processing platform.

David Denton

A London-based Engineering Lead; passionate about building simple, Test-Driven products and the teams to deliver them. Oh, and also about building the simple, Test-Driven, Open Source tools to power them. Active as a speaker at various international technology conferences and have also enjoyed developing and delivered Coding Dojos and full Training Courses, both in the UK and around the world.
Vladimir Plizga
Since his school days Vladimir was enthusiastic about programming and from then on has managed to code everything: from Soviet programmable calculators to modern CNC tools in production. For the last 8+ years he has been involved in Java backend development of Internet banking at CFT (Center of Financial Technologies). Constantly bothers with ideas about optimization of day-to-day tasks in software development and testing, nurtures solutions for them while jogging or swimming and then puts them into life, experimenting shamelessly on his colleagues. Periodically writes articles and makes talks on Java as well as takes part in organizing SnowOne – Siberian community-driven Java conference.

Anton Kozlov

Engineer at Azul. In the company, Anton works on OpenJDK-based projects. Previously contributed to ARM32, PPC32 ports. Now he does various things, specializing in startup and warm-up optimizations.
Vladimir Ozerov
Vladimir is a Software Engineer at Hazelcast working on the implementation of Hazelcast Mustang, a distributed SQL engine. Before that he spent 6 years at GridGain, building various parts of the Apache Ignite IMDG, including data processing pipelines, transactions, a JDBC driver, and clients for different programming languages.
How we did SQL in HazelcastSébastien Deleuze
Sébastien is a Spring Framework committer at VMware. He works on Kotlin and GraalVM native support across Spring portfolio, and created the Spring Fu experimental project which introduces KoFu and JaFu DSLs to configure Spring Boot in a functional way.

Ivan Zemlyansky

Ivan has over 8 years of experience working with Java and started as a C++ developer. For the last 6 years he has been working with in the field of financial markets, previously worked for Otkritie Broker where he was involved in the development of a risk assessment system. Later he led the infrastructure team at one of the largest hedge funds in the US. Now Ivan is trying himself in a new area of Real-time bidding.
Simon Ogorodnik
Simon Ogorodnik works on Kotlin at JetBrains, initially joined the Kotlin IDE team at age of 18, now works for New Compiler Frontend. In IDE team started New J2K (Java2Kotlin converter), maintained Dokka, and implemented various performance optimizations.
Idel Pivnitskiy
Idel Pivnitskiy is working on a JVM network application framework He is responsible for the performance and observability of the framework, works on transport level, and user-facing API for protocols.
Idel develops server-side network applications for more than 6 years with various scalability, reliability, and performance requirements. Currently focused on server-side infrastructure, developing network frameworks, and libraries for the JVM platform. Open source fan. ServiceTalk, Netty & AeroGear projects contributor. Participated in the development of a new protocol for push-notifications RFC 8030 - Generic Event Delivery Using HTTP Push.
Sven Ruppert
Sven is Developer Advocate (DevSecOps) at JFrog and working with Java since 1996 in industrial projects. He was working over 15 years as a consultant worldwide in industries like Automotive, Space, Insurance, Banking, UN, and WorldBank. During the last years before he joined JFrog, he was Head of R&D at a reply company and Developer Advocate for Vaadin. Sven is working on Mutation Testing of Web apps and Distributed UnitTesting besides his evergreen topic Core Java and DevSecOps.
Ivan Ugliansky
Worked for Excelsior in Excelsior JET project (Java SE certified implementation based on optimizing AOT compilation). Now works for Huawei on JVMs, compilers and new programming languages. Basically, works with runtime: GC, class loading, concurrency maintenance, profiling and so on.
Also, he is co-founder and co-lead of JUGNsk — an official Java Users Group in Novosibirsk and Program Committee member of SnowOne conference.
In his free time teaches C/C++ courses at Novosibirsk State University.

Emil Ibragimov

Graduating from the CT department at ITMO, before coming to Yandex had a bit of commercial experience with Spring Boot and the other things around it. At Yandex works in the serverless team, mostly on Cloud Functions. Emil is quite obsessed with serverless computing and wants to share this love with people around him.
Kirill Timofeev
Graduated from the Computer Technologies Department at ITMO. Worked at Yandex. For the last three years, he has been working at JetBrains to support profiling tools in IntelliJ IDEA.
To make JVM profiler win_ableDmitry Chuyko
Dmitry Chuyko is a performance engineer at BellSoft, one of the most active corporate OpenJDK developers. Before joining BellSoft, Dmitry worked on HotSpot JVM in Oracle. His previous experience with Java showed that the most interesting problems in applications find their solutions in the underlying platform. Dmitry is currently mainly optimizing OpenJDK for x86 and ARM, and also contributing to the development of JEP 386 to make the smallest Java containers even better. Dmitry speaks at large conferences such as Joker, JPoint, Oracle Code One, Devoxx, or GeeCON, as well as at JUG meetups in different countries.
Kirill Tolkachev
JUG Ru Group
Up until recently Kirill was a lead developer at Alfa-Lab. He was developing different banking APIs, forming principles and tools related to microservice architecture. He is a fan of Groovy, Gradle, Spring and Netflix technologies stack. Kirill is a resident of famous Russian IT-podcast "Razbor Poletov". He knows DevOps methodology like the palm of his hand and has four years' experience of its production usage.
Ivan Yamshchikov
ABBYY, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
Got PhD in applied mathematics at Brandenburg University of Technology (Cottbus, Germany). Is currently a research associate at Max Planck Institute (Leipzig, Germany) and an AI-evangelist at ABBYY. Ivan is studying new AI work principles which could help us to understand how our brain works.
Ivan Krylov
Ivan Krylov is a JVM developer for the last 15 years. Ivan specialises in JIT compiler infrastructure and AOT compilation.

Gleb Smirnov

Gleb has seen some things.

Yuriy Babak
Mir Plat.Form

Yuri has over ten years of experience in Java development. He took part in the development of ERP, E-Commerce, as well as other enterprise systems. He was also involved in the development of open source platforms for in-memory computing and machine learning. Currently, Yuri leads the front-office solutions team at NSPK.
Maxim Gorelikov
Square meter
10+ years experience in IT, starting from C/C++ and geophysics and now basically JVM languages/JS and financial services.
Basically, he uses Spring and Netflix ecosystem, but checks out everything that is worth trying on GitHub. He is experimenting with reactive approaches.
He wants to understand not only his apps but also everything around them, thus he is working with all the infrastructure (logs, CI/CD, orchestration) and tests. To sum up, DevOps is our everything.

Mario Fusco
Red Hat

Mario Fusco is a Java Champion and works at Red Hat as principal software engineer and Drools project lead. He is also a frequent speaker, the coordinator of JUG Milano and the co-author of "Modern Java in Action" published by Manning.

Maximilian Novikov
Deutsche Bank Technology Center

Max is an IT professional with 15 years of experience in the fields of software engineering, development, and testing. He works as a lead engineer on a large forex platform at Deutsche Bank Technology Center and mainly responsible for DevOps.

Artem Seleznev

Artem works on a project to assess technical risks for a company and project risks into the monetary equivalent. Promotes Test Driven/Data-driven Development. Artem is fond of maps and the output of models in prod.
Rossen Stoyanchev
Rossen is a member of the Spring Framework team contributing to Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux. He is also a contributor on the RSocket Java project.
Andrei Kogun
Andrei has been working in IT for more than 15 years, head of the Java developers at KROK. During his career he took part in many custom development projects, mainly e-document flow systems and business processes automatization for several big Russian companies as a senior developer and an architect. At the universities of Moscow, he delivers lectures in development basics with the use of Java technologies. Organizer and leader of Moscow Java developers community.

Evgeny Trifonov
JUG Ru Group

Writes about tech his whole life pretending he understands it. Tried Kotlin on Android before it was cool. Has a "Legend" badge on Habr (as if it means a thing). Unironically uses ChromeOS. Works remotely his whole life and has no idea how people manage to work in offices.

Dmitry Voronkov

Has over 12 years of experience with Java. Works as a software engineer at Group, develops business solutions based on Tarantool. Prior to that, Dmitry was engaged in applied development in the banking sector for more than 7 years.
Anton Arhipov
Anton is a Developer Advocate at JetBrains in the Kotlin project and "Razbor poletov" podcast resident. Professional interests include programming languages, middleware, and developer tooling.
Andrey Pangin
Principal Software Engineer at Odnoklassniki, specializes in the development of high-loaded Java servers. Due to the experience he got while working at Oracle in HotSpot team, knows JVM like the back of his hand and is fond of sharing his expertise during various conferences. Authors one-nio and async-profiler projects, leads in the #JVM category on Stack Overflow.
Timur Nasredinov
A "T"-shaped Java developer suffering from imposter syndrome with 15+ years in the industry. Currently employed at Odnoklassniki ( Professional experience includes working for outsourcing companies, being a freelance programmer, and developing in an IT giant in such business domains as the medical industry, financial and banking services, and social networks. Takes part in an educational project for Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University as a tutor. Interested in JVM internals, distributed caching, high-performance systems, and concurrency tweaks.
Vladimir Sitnikov
Vladimir has been working on performance and scalability of NetCracker platform (a software used by telecom operators for automatization of network management processes and network equipment) for ten years. His focus is Java and Oracle Database performance optimisations. Vladimir is an author of more than a dozen of performance improvements in the official PostgreSQL JDBC driver.

Natalia Gitelson
JUG Ru Group

Natalia has been in the JUG Ru Group team for almost 4 years now, working with corporate clients and conference partners. Joker is her favorite conference.
Conference openingAndrey Belyaev
Developer Advocate at Haulmont. Andrey started working closely with Java in 2006. He worked for a long time in outsourcing, where he tried himself in almost all roles, except, perhaps, a designer. He was a developer, team leader, PM, and architect. Andrey is currently working on the CUBA framework at Haulmont, making RnD and representing the company at various events.
Artur Pilipenko
Azul Systems
Throughout his career, Arthur has been developing the Java platform. He currently works on the compiler team at Azul, where he is involved in the Falcon JIT compiler for the Zing JVM. Before joining Azul, Arthur worked on the Java Mobile and embedded platform at Oraсle.
Aleksey Stukalov
Since 2008, Aleksey has been working in the field of process automation in the oil and gas industry. As a project manager and technical leader, he participated in the full development cycle of large and medium-sized systems from the stage of collecting requirements to commissioning. He also leads a development team of 50 or more people. Since the end of 2014, he has taken the position of Project Director at HAULMONT. Since 2015, the main focus has been the development of the CUBA platform, which has gone from an unknown framework to a world-recognized product with a community of tens of thousands of developers. At the moment, Alexey is in charge of DevRel in the company, and also heads the R&D department.
Sergey Dzeboev
Alfa Bank
Lead Java developer at Alfa-Bank with 10 years of experience in IT. An expert in reactive programming. Believes that every framework has its own place. Always loves to learn something new. Receives a second degree from the University of the People.

Edoardo Vacchi
Red Hat

Edoardo Vacchi, during his Ph.D., researched language design and implementation at the University of Milan. After three years at UniCredit Bank's R&D department, he joined Red Hat working on the Drools rule engine, the jBPM platform, and the Kogito project.

Aleksandr Belokrilov

До создания своей компании, Александр более 13 лет работал в Sun Microsystems и Oracle, и внёс значительный вклад в развитие и внедрение Java. Сегодня он возглавляет компанию, входящую в ТОП-5 контрибьюторов OpenJDK, создавшую свой дистрибутив Liberica JDK. Александр отвечает за стратегическое руководство и реализацию концепции BellSoft.
Dmitry Kandalov
Code Mine
Dmitry has been programming since DOS times. He spent the last 15 years or so in Java lands most recently working with server-side Kotlin.

Yuriy Milyutin

Юрий руководит разработкой крупнейшего сервиса Эквайринга в Европе. 5 лет в Сбербанке, 10 в Java-разработке. Спасает мир, сдерживает хаос, нанимает лучших представителей человечества.
Java Licensing Tips
Ilya Ermolin
RT Labs

Ilya has worked in IT for more than 15 years as an engineer, QA, developer, and architect. He is interested in high and low-level Java application optimization.
Volker Simonis
Volker Simonis is a Principal Software Engineer in the Corretto team at Amazon Web Services. He works on Java Virtual Machines since 2004 and is an OpenJDK Member, Reviewer and Committer right from the start. Before joining Amazon he worked for SAP, Sun Microsystems and the University of Tübingen from where he holds a master and PhD degree in Computer Science. He represented SAP in the Executive Committee of the JCP and was a member of the JCP Expert Groups for Java SE 9 to 13. He's a passionate and frequent speaker at conferences around the globe and can easily be contacted at @volker_simonis.

Sergey Melnikov

Sergey works on a high-frequency trading application at Raiffeisenbank since 2016. Basically, he's into speeding up the existing and writing the new low-latency Java code. Before that he worked at Intel as an engineer for the compilers' performance for C / C ++ / FORTRAN languages.
Dmitry Aleksandrov
Co-leader of the Bulgarian Java User Group. In addition to work, Dmitry performs talks at conferences. Organizer of Conference — largest Java conference in Balkans.
List of his main interests includes dynamic languages on JVM (Nashorn project) and Java EE, as well as all Spring Framework's infrastructure. He is into experimental Java projects.
Andrey Damintcev
Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions
Andrey has been working in IT since 2011. He worked as a frontend and backend developer and a team lead at Sigma-IT, Return on Intelligence (ex ExigenServices), Grid Dynamics. He joined the Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions team in 2018.
Anatoliy Korovin
Anatoliy is a Java Architect with more than 8 years of experience in design and developing software applications. Interested in microservice architecture, test-driven development, object-oriented design and concurrency. Writes a blog about Java and Spring Framework. Active contributor to open source software. Public speaker at meetups about Java, software development and TDD.

Andrey Khaliullin

Graduated from ITMO in 2012. Got a job at Yandex in 2011, created services for webmasters, became the head of the group in 2017. Moved to Yandex Cloud in 2019, developed IoI Core. Now he's a team lead at Yandex Cloud Functions.
Alexey Fyodorov
JUG Ru Group
Producer @ JUG Ru Group, organizes the largest conferences for developers in Russia. In the last 6 years Alexey's team arranged more than 50 conferences. Alexey has a very different background: from Software Engineer @ Oracle (JCK, Java Platform Group) to DevRel @ Odnoklassiniki.

Valya Mikhno

Since 2016, Valentina has worked as the first program coordinator in the JUG Ru Group. Then she joined the Tech Pr team at Avito, worked a lot with external events, and then smoothly moved into internal communications. Sincerely believes that an employer brand starts with the internal environment. Valentina has a weakness for travel, living people, and new knowledge, structural processes.